our services
We Are A Pumps Provider Company
Deepa Engineering Works is based in the industrial city of Kanpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The factory is built on 1990 square meter area having all infrastructure facility Like air, water with 100 KVA electric power connections and 100 KVA diesel generating sets for interrupted power supply.
Pumps & Production
Our Pumps
We have facility for the developing complex steel cores for the stators, jigs and fixtures for better productivity level and for making of wooden pattern for the purpose of casting.

Industrial & Chemical Progressive Cavity Pump

Hygienic food grade Progressive Cavity Pump

Wide throatProgressive Cavity Pump

Metering Pump


Dosing Wobble Pump
Right material conforming to international standards combined with special heat treatment and hard chrome plating technology, Ensures dimensions and critical tolerances are maintained.
Quality Progressive cavity pumps , we have a wide range of retrofit spares to offer for brands like NETZSCH®, Roto pump®, psp, and other global brands as well.
Manufacturing materials :
✓ Stainless Steel.
✓ Hardened Carbon Steel.
Joint parts
Full range of coupling rods, shafts, universal joint kits are also available for all brands.
Coating options :
Hard chrome plating, chrome and special hard coatings.
The surface of the rotating parts, which are in contact with the product, is specially machined and treated with hardening processes to obtain a high mechanical resistance minimizing the abrasion effects. Also, high precision tolerance measurements avoid unwanted clearances and axial pushing. This ultimately prevents early wear and tear from happening.
Manufacturing materials :
✓ Hardened material.
✓ Stainless Steel.
✓ Hardened Carbon Steel.
Send Request for information With over 25 years of experience at designing, manufacturing and supplying Excellent quality Progressive cavity pumps , we have a wide range of retrofit spares to offer for brands like NETZSCH®, Roto pump®, psp, and other global brands as well.
A Majority of customers have found DEEPA PUMPS stator to outperform the originals at a better value for money.
DEEPA PUMPS are also available for other helical trademark manufacturers.
Manufacturing materials :
✓ CSM ✓ FKM ✓ White NBR
✓ White EPDM ✓ White CSM
Our Application
Paper& Pulp
Veg Oil & Vanaspti Plant
Dairy & Confectioneries
Ceramic & Refectories
Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals
Sewage & Waste Water Treatment Plant
Chemical, Dye, Paint & Petrochemicals
Beverages, Breweries & Winners
Fruit & Vegetable Process
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